Version information:
Last change made by alezana on Sun Nov 1 19:31:04 2020 +0100.

This is the authoritative list of all important documents for the Frazzoli lab.

Lab rules, checklists, guides

Download here all the documents below collated in one PDF.

IDSC Institute rules

Lab-specific information

Information for specific spaces

Students checklists

These are the two students checklists plus a survival doc. They contain things that we should remember to do at the beginning, the middle, and the ending of the projects.

Thesis template

This a link to a thesis template

Supervisor guide

Other miscellaneous documents

Editing the documents above

To edit those documents, edit the files in the documents Github repository (you need permission to access). Follow the instructions and the documents will be automatically updated on the website. We use the Github repository for ease of collaboration and to take advantage of version tracking: we can see exactly who did what change when, and recover previous versions.

Rapidly-changing information

The following documents are on Google Drive and accessible only with the right permissions.

There are two main folders:

Contents of IDSC-Frazzoli (available to students)

TODO list

Meeting notes

Contents of IDSC-Frazzoli-payroll (available to payroll)

Room allocations spreadsheet

The room allocation spreadsheet is continuously updated to reflect who is in our spaces: link to spreadsheet (public access, view only)

People tracking

Only available to payroll, this sheet describes:

Link to people tracking spreadsheet (permissions only available to lab payroll)

Order list

Use this list if you want to order something (books, accessories, etc.). Annina will then make sure that things are ordered.

Link to order list

Inventory spreadsheet

The inventory spreadsheet is continuously updated to reflect who has what.

It is used for those items that are very “mobile” and easily misplaced (e.g. camera, DVS sensors, teleconference system, etc.).

Link to inventory spreadsheet (permissions only available to lab payroll)